Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama, Irish Government Ink Narcissistic Supply Chain Deal

Dublin - U.S. President Barack Obama and the Irish Ministry of Culture today signed a multi-year agreement for "mutual codependency."

On behalf of the Irish people, the Irish Ministry agreed in principle to provide the President of the United States with continuing "narcissistic supply" so long as he shall "occupy a position of power as either President of the United States, Secretary General of the United Nations or other position of global importance."

"Codependency is a major export of the Irish people. This continues a long and revered Irish tradition -- running from John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton to Barack Obama -- of idealizing any American President with even a scintilla of Irish blood,"  said Bertie McGirk, spokesman for the Irish Ministry of Culture. "It's a win-win, really, as the Irish people get to feel important in the presence of an important person, and President Obama gets to feel important too."

Obama, in exchange, has promised, if he's "not busy," to "return yearly to say nice things about Ireland."

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