Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obama, Irish Government Ink Narcissistic Supply Chain Deal

Dublin - U.S. President Barack Obama and the Irish Ministry of Culture today signed a multi-year agreement for "mutual codependency."

On behalf of the Irish people, the Irish Ministry agreed in principle to provide the President of the United States with continuing "narcissistic supply" so long as he shall "occupy a position of power as either President of the United States, Secretary General of the United Nations or other position of global importance."

"Codependency is a major export of the Irish people. This continues a long and revered Irish tradition -- running from John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton to Barack Obama -- of idealizing any American President with even a scintilla of Irish blood,"  said Bertie McGirk, spokesman for the Irish Ministry of Culture. "It's a win-win, really, as the Irish people get to feel important in the presence of an important person, and President Obama gets to feel important too."

Obama, in exchange, has promised, if he's "not busy," to "return yearly to say nice things about Ireland."

Monday, May 24, 2010

World Leaders Praise Obama's Focus On LeBron James Situation

New York City -- Expressing deep concern that LeBron James could become a New York Knick, French President and Chicago Bulls fan Nicholas Sarkozy today nevertheless expressed confidence that President Obama would "do everything in his power" to ensure that LeBron James would start the next season in the Windy City.

"I saw the President's interview with Marv Albert today, and it gave me great hope," said Sarkozy, visiting New York to scout new players.

Likewise German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, who today took the unusual step of sending a joint communique to Washington expressing deep concern that James could end up a New York Knick. (Both Merkel and Papandreou are ardent fans of the Philadelphia 76ers, conference rival to the Knicks.)

"'Bron could make our team's life very difficult," said Merkel.

Meanwhile, Vice President Joseph Biden, who has been sent by the President to "monitor" the Gulf oil spill situation, now approaching its 40th day, when asked by a reporter about the situation, described James as "a big mother____in' deal" and "da s__t."

The President will be boarding a flight to Chicago later today to give a speech urging the Bulls to sign the game's most visible superstar. A move that has been said to be opposed by Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and presidential chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, both currently working in a presidential task force to "monitor" the nation's unemployment and fiscal crisis, and make recommendations to the President.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Woody Allen to Judge at Bolivarian Revolution Film Festival

Caracas, Venezuela -- After musing on the benefits of dictatorship for the United States, Woody Allen has accepted a "gracious offer" from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to judge the film at this year's Bolivarian Revolution Film Festival to be held in Caracas. He will be joined on the panel by actor/journalist Sean Penn and several members of the Venezuelan secret police.

The film, predicted to win the prestigious Golden Revolver Award, is reportedly a five-hour "indie" shot by President Chavez featuring his dramatic reflections on price speculation, American imperialism and the benefits of one-person rule.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chavez to Release Exercise Video

Caracas -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is releasing an exercise video.

Hot on the heels of his headline-making advice to all Venezuelans to exercise and lose weight by eating rice pasta, drinking soy milk and doing sit ups, the newly health-conscious maximum leader says he is determined to see his people eat less and slim down.

"Sweating the Bolivarian Revolution" will be released in time for mandatory purchase for the holidays.

It features Chavez admonishing a group of government ministers to do more sit ups, brandishing his revolver as frightened children drink their soy milk, and punching an object that resembles a heavy boxing bag, but is clearly wriggling and gasping, among other activities.

Making cameo appearances in the video are a bare-chested Russian Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and actor Sean Penn, who compliments Chavez from close range on how much smaller his posterior looks now that he has lost some weight.

Venezuela's last-remaining television station has agreed to play Chavez's new video every morning, after lunch, and after dinner hours in the South American nation.

The new video, a government minister said today, will be available in BetaMax and reel-to-reel formats, suitable for home use by most patriotic Venezuelans.

A DVD version, the minister added, will be given out free with every fill up at all Citgo stations in North America.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

White House Says Stimulus Package "Saved" Jobs, and Human Race

Washington, D.C. -- In a press conference this afternoon designed to rebut mounting charges that the government's unprecedented spending and increases in federal debt have hurt rather than helped the economy, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that the government's "stimulus package" has prevented things "from being much, much worse."

"Namely, it has prevented the end of the world," said Gibbs to reporters. Audible gasps were heard in the room, mostly from Fox News Senior White House Correspondent Major Garrett.

"We have learned from sources inside the CIA that aliens were incensed with the policies of the previous administration," said Gibbs. "If we had not acted to take more control of private industry and increase spending immediately, death rays would have wiped out most of the planet. This comes in addition to all of those jobs the stimulus package saved."

Many White House reporters were seen nodding in apparent agreement.

Gibbs noted that this was the "real reason" for President Obama being awarded the Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Gibbs explained, "has always had several members from outer space."

To mollify the alienated aliens, Gibbs said, $300 million for anal probe equipment was carefully inserted into the stimulus package at the last minute. The line item notes it was provided to an innocuous-sounding "J. Smith Excavations" in Durbin, West Virginia.

Thanks to "highly targeted policies like these" said Gibbs, President Obama has not only improved our standing in the world community, but also, now, in the galactic community."

The press conference ended suddenly however, when an unusual looking reporter asked Gibbs why President Obama was not supporting rebel forces "fighting for fair elections on Sargon 5." Gibbs departed hurriedly without answering the question.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Epstein Reportedly Signed Beatles Deal with Satan; McCartney, Starr Said Horrified

Liverpool, England -- The late former manager of the Beatles, Brian Epstein, signed a secret pact with the Devil in 1962, binding the Beatles to eternal damnation in exchange for remarkable success while alive. This according to excerpts of newly discovered documents published in the Liverpool News.

The documents, while still being examined by Catholic priests, Protestant ministers and local attorneys familiar with such contracts, have explanatory power, say some experts.

"No doubt, this would explain not only the mind-boggling success of the Beatles throughout the 1960s," said Gordon Flackner, music critic and expert on paranormal phenomena, "but also the constant string of discovered studio tapes leading to new albums, and now, the new Beatles Rock Band video game and successfully reissued Revolver album, both released an incredible 40 years after the breakup of the band."

McCartney, reached at his home in England, is reported to have first said "Poor George, Poor John." Then retorted with, "Well, how do you explain Heather then?" apparently referring to his ex-wife Heather Mills.

He has since gone into seclusion with Catholic priests, Protestant ministers and attorneys familiar with such contracts to see if there are any escape clauses.

Ringo Starr, reached at a local bar in Los Angeles, is reported to have spit out his drink, and then retorted "How do you explain Wings then?" an apparent reference to McCartney's old band.

Starr has reportedly since gone into seclusion at the Playboy mansion.

George Martin, the legendary music producer whose wizardy helped the Beatles work studio magic, and embed secret messages into their songs, simply said "no comment" when reached at a Black Mass held in a farmhouse just outside London.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bernanke Declares One Form of Inflation Under Control

Newport, Rhode Island -- In a hastily organized news conference held on the docks of an exclusive local yacht club, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today declared one form of inflation "under control."

"As a result of the fast action of our board of governors, 'sub-core, bracket 3-sensitive inflation' is under control," said Bernanke, who is vacationing in the famed nautical paradise for the christening of his new 60-foot yacht, "The Mighty Dollar."

When asked by reporters to define "sub-core, bracket 3-sensitive inflation," Bernanke noted that it of course excludes the price of food and oil, which are not considered by the Fed in its mission against so-called "core inflation." Runaway price spikes in these two areas in recent months have brought the Fed under some political fire from advocates for the middle class.

This particular form of inflation also excludes, he noted, "the cost of electricity, natural gas, pharmaceuticals, medical care, and baseball tickets."

What it does include, Bernanke noted, are prices in a specific economic bracket targeted by a special subcommittee of Fed governors. Those include, he noted, "luxury automobiles, second homes in the Caribbean, third homes in the Pacific Rim, domestic help and mahogany conference tables." By a series of discount window maneuvers and other "highly targeted" policies, these prices are now under control, he said.

Bernanke declined to explain these policies in any further detail, claiming he had to depart to a local wine and spirits shop to pick up "some bubbly" for his yacht's maiden voyage.